Why Thanksgiving Is Important!

Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. ~ Edward Sandford Martin

Thanksgiving. What a truly clever and wonderful idea.

A holiday in which the entire nation collectively comes together, surrounds ourselves with loved ones and takes time to focus on the good things in life.

Open Our Hearts & Give Thanks

Thanksgiving Day is a time to open our hearts and give thanks. It is a day that really connects us to the people we care about and the things that are important in life.  There are precious few days when we can spend time with those we love, celebrating our families, both the ones we are born into and the ones we have built.  Thanksgiving offers the perfect moment to surround ourselves with love and to enjoy the warmth of those who mean the most to us.

Pause & Reflect

It is when we pause and reflect on all that’s happened through the past year that we can see the abundance and goodness life offers. It’s so easy to get caught up in struggle, scarcity, worry, blame and negativity.  Yet reaching into our hearts, (and that sometimes takes courage), and finding the good in our lives is uplifting and empowering.

Acknowledging the good automatically makes for a better world.


Giving Thanks in Other Countries

Although Thanksgiving is most often attributed to the United States and Canada, other countries including Japan, Grenada, the Netherlands and Germany, also have a similar gratitude-based celebrations.

Whatever the origins in each nation, it is a time to be aware of and express our thankfulness, to rejoice and appreciate.

To help the children in your life understand the power of this holiday, have them participate in your appreciation traditions or search the Internet for Thanskgiving-related games that they will enjoy.

In this time, wherever we are, may all of us heal, soften, and be generous with our appreciation and love.

Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude. ~ E.P. Powell

Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day. ~ Robert Caspar Lintner

A Poem of Thanks

Thanks for this and thanks for that
Thanks for the known and thanks for the unknown
Thanks for the things loved
Thanks for the unloved
Thanks thanks thanks

Thanks for people of all shapes and sizes
Thanks for the hearts small and large
Thanks for the talents and gifts of every soul
Thanks Thanks Thanks

Even when life deals us lemons, we give thanks and make lemonade.
Even when the dark clouds loom ever so close to our person, we give thanks.
Nothing or no one can stop us from giving thanks.

So in this, we give thanks for the wisdom and grace in being able to give thanks.

~Author Unknown

From all of us at Gratitude Habitat, we gives thanks to you for being an active participant in the world of gratitude.

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How will you show your gratitude at Thanksgiving Day?

Gratitude Umbrella

Be thankful rain or shine, 365 days a year. $38.95

And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow. -Gilbert K. Chesterton

Look skyward during the next rain storm to remind yourself that there are so many things for which to be grateful. This simply elegant auto-open umbrella is sprinkled beneath the canopy with ‘thank you’ in different languages. Available for purchase in the Gratitude Habitat Gift Shop.