
Living In Gratitude: Great Expectations

Expectations are resentments waiting to happen.

– Anne Lamott

Our expectations determine our experience. And more often than not, reality doesn’t live up to our expectations.

By definition, expectations are the hope of what may be.

We expect to lose 15 pounds, get that big promotion, ace that exam, or make a certain salary.

We expect our spouse/partner to make dinner, notice the dirty countertop, or cheer us on while running a marathon.

We expect our coworker to be detail-oriented, inquire about our weekend, or volunteer to help with an important project.

We expect our manager to express appreciation for our exemplary work and provide helpful constructive feedback.

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Living In Gratitude: Keep gratitude higher than expectations

The days that I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, those are really good days. ~Ray Wylie Hubbard


Expectations…we all have them, of ourselves and of others. Consider how often those expectations are set so high that they aren’t met. By setting our expectations at such a level, we often also set ourselves up for failure or disappointment.

Instead, try setting your sights high for appreciating all you have, big, small and in between. Being thankful allows us to open our hearts to all that happens in life, not just what we ‘expect’. Remember the old saying, “The best things in life are unexpected!”