
Living In Gratitude: 5 Ways To Practice Gratitude

Be more energetic

Be healthier

Be creative

Be likable

Be productive

Gratitude is an action word. Put this amazing positive force to work in your life by doing.

As you practice appreciation, notice how you feel about yourself, about others, about the world around you. Read more

10 Easy Ways To Practice Gratitude

It’s Good To Be Grateful!

Robert Emmons, noted researcher in the psychology of gratitude, was asked what were the three key things he wanted people to know about gratitude. “First, the practice of gratitude can increase happiness levels by around 25%. Second, this is not hard to achieve–a few hours writing in a gratitude journal over 3 weeks can create an effect that lasts 6 months if not more. Third, cultivating gratitude brings other health effects, such as longer and better quality sleep time.”

25% happier? Sounds good to me! Then, a little time journaling our ‘gratitudes’ for long lasting effects along with better health? That’s a pretty good deal for the amount of effort.    Read more