
Living In Gratitude: Giving Thanks

I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. ~Henry David Thoreau

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, it is the perfect time to talk about giving thanks. After all, that is what this day is all about: gathering with those we care about, sharing a feast and expressing gratitude for our abundance.

Each year brings a cornucopia of things into each of our lives: challenges, changes, adventures, opportunities, losses, renewals, laughter, sadness, lessons and stresses.

It is always easier to appreciate the obvious positives – a promotion, wedding, graduation or birth – but many of us do find ourselves lacking when it comes to being thankful for life’s hardships, losses and even day to day irritations.

Yet gratitude isn’t only about being thankful when things are good but about finding the blessings in all things.

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. ~Brian Tracy

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Living In Gratitude: So Many Reasons To Give Thanks

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, it seems like the perfect time to talk about giving thanks. After all, that is what this special day is all about: gathering with family and friends and expressing gratitude for all the blessings and abundance in our lives.

Each year brings with it a cornucopia of things, challenges, changes, adventures, opportunities, losses, renewals, laughter, sadness, lessons and stresses.

It is always easier to appreciate the obvious positives – a promotion, wedding, graduation or birth – but many of us do find ourselves lacking when it comes to being thankful for life’s hardships, losses and even day to day irritations.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: At the End of the Day

At the end of the day, remember all the positive things that happened. Smile. Feel the comfort of your bed. Have sweet dreams.

In each of our lives, every day brings a variety of occurrences and emotions. Some are challenging, annoying and inconvenient while others are sweet, refreshing, empowering and enjoyable.

As you end each day, this is the perfect opportunity to reflect and wipe the slate clean. Embrace the things that made you smile, the ‘feel good’ things happened. Let go of those occurrences that evoke stress, irritation or dissatisfaction.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: When You Arise

When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light.

Give thanks for your food and the joy of living.

If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies within yourself.


Each and every day, we awake to new opportunities. By starting our day with gratitude, we chose to accept all that day has to offer with an open mind and open heart.  Read more

Ode To My Socks

Mara Mori brought me
 a pair of socks
 which she knitted herself
 with her sheepherder’s hands, 
two socks as soft as rabbits.
 I slipped my feet into them
 as if they were two cases
 knitted with threads of twilight and goatskin,
violet socks,
 my feet were two fish made of wool, 
two long sharks
 sea blue, shot through
 by one golden thread, 
two immense blackbirds, 
two cannons, 
my feet were honored in this way
 by these heavenly socks.
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Living In Gratitude: Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings,

Count your friends,

Count what really matters.

Only a few days away, Thanksgiving is a time when we gather family and friends together over a feast. We share our gratitudes and express our thankfulness for the bounty of the past year. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Be Blessed

Blessed are those who give without remembering and receive without forgetting. ~ Carol Adamski

When we are able to give to others without keeping a running tally, this allows us to let go and boosts our overall happiness. We should give to others not out of a sense of obligation, but because we genuinely want to express that compliment, cook that meal, volunteer our time. To give freely means nothing is expected in return.

On the flip side, when we are given something, this is where we should be sure to remember the kindness extended or the gift presented. We should express our appreciation and let the giver know how much their gift meant. By showing our gratitude, even with a simple yet heartfelt  ‘thank you‘, the giver will feel appreciated, our relationship with them will deepen, and mutually beneficial, positive feelings will result.

It may take some practice to give freely without remembering and receive graciously without forgetting, but it is something well worth the time and energy. The blessings that will grow from this practice will enhance all aspects of your life.

May your day be filled with gratitude and good things.

Living In Gratitude: Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.

By taking time to show your gratitude for the small things in life, you will open your eyes and heart to the tremendous amount you have to be grateful for.

If you’re not used to appreciating the little things, take baby steps. Start with being aware of those seemingly insignificant and trivial things. Make a mental note of one or two things a day that you appreciated. Maybe even start a gratitude journal and jot these items down each day.

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Change Your Thoughts: Pre-Surgery Gratitude

It is in our hands to shift our thoughts, feelings, energy and therefore, our actions.

I recently had the opportunity to meet with a coaching client who was in the middle of a medical issue. After her surgery and when she was recovered, I asked her if she would be willing to write about her experience. Following is the reflection I received from her. Thank you, Kathleen.

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Living In Gratitude: The Prayer of Thank You

If the only prayer you ever say in your life is ‘thank you’, that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

Two of the most profound words we have in our vocabulary are ‘thank you’. Gratitude is infinite and when we express our appreciation, we are, by definition, offering a prayer. Read more