
Living In Gratitude: A New Year, A New Appreciation

Be in love with your life, every minute of it. ~Jack Keroac

Every moment of life is an adventure and January 1st holds the promise of a fresh start. Many of us choose this day to start ‘over’, to make changes in our lives.

For those considering making a New Years resolution, nurturing one’s gratitude can provide profound and life-altering changes.

Feeling and expressing appreciation spills over into all areas of life.

It enhances our relationships, creating stronger bonds among family, friends and coworkers.

Gratitude nourishes our bodies, boosting our immunity and our overall health. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Be In Love

Be in love with your life, every minute of it. ~Jack Keroac

Every moment of life is an adventure. As the unknown of each day unfolds, it offers unusual, exciting, and sometimes challenging experiences. Some days are amazing and invigorating while others can leave us overwhelmed and even saddened. Read more