
Teaching Children Gratitude Part 2

Helping the children in our lives to express appreciation from an early age is a gift that will bring them abundance throughout their lives.

In Part 1 of this blog, we discussed nature as a doorway to nurturing appreciation in children. Here, we will talk more about care, affection and compliments as other gratitude practices.

Care is an Important Aspect of Appreciation

  • Help your child take care of their things.
  • Teach them to respect their belongings and the property of others.
  • Demonstrate an attitude of thankfulness for what you have and for your life together.
  • Acknowledgements, celebrations and shared reflection are simple ways to express your gratitude. Read more

Teaching Gratitude To Children Part 1

The word “appreciation” means really seeing something for what it is- an awareness of how special, how lucky, how unique, how blessed, how big, wonderful or awesome something is. Appreciation is a recognition not based on comparison, but based on the intrinsic value, character or immensity of a thing or state itself.

Some people are born “appreciators”. These people see the world at its essence:

  • the beauty of a sunset
  • the fragile green of a leaf
  • the boundless energy of a small child

Others must be helped to learn to see the beauty and wonder in the world. Read more