Entries by Carol Adamski

Surprise, Surprise!

Each day offers unexpected surprises and miracles. Keep your eyes open for them and appreciate each for what it offers. Beauty, growth, love, laughter…the possibilities are endless. One moment, there are only withered branches, the next, (surprise!) a luscious, vibrant bloom warmed by the morning sun. As Buddah said, “If we could see the miracle […]

Take The Leap

2012 is a Leap Year, meaning we have one extra day in February and 366 days instead of the usual 365. Although Leap Year has a ‘scientific’ purpose, to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical or seasonal year, it also has an emotional or ‘psychological’ aspect, one in which we are encouraged to venture into new […]

Appreciation: A Worthwhile ‘Stock’ to Invest In

When it comes to relationships, be it friends, coworkers, parents and children, siblings, life partners/spouses, and even the relationship with yourself, one ‘stock’ you should invest heavily in is appreciation.  There truly is no such thing as expressing too much gratitude for the important people in your life.

Simple Truths

“I have come to know simple truths that before were disguised by my complexity. I have come to know the inner vision that sees much with clarity. I’ve come to know me, the gentleness of my spirit, as it may express itself through love and tenderness. I’ve come to know power in a way that’s […]

Five Steps to Reinventing Your Life

Every year, January brings renewed optimism for a better life and a better you. Many of us create a list of New Year’s resolutions that we are determined to achieve. The ‘fresh start’ January 1st offers is a wonderful gift. But as Buddha wisely said, “Each morning we are born again. What we do today […]

The 35 Most Inspiring Quotes on Gratitude

The list of things to be grateful for is infinite. A vibrant sunset on the beach, a fragrant cup of coffee to start the day, laughing until your side’s ache, a warm embrace, a roof over your head and a soft pillow beneath it, awaking each day to new possibilities. Reflect on the blessings in […]

Look Down and Soon Enough, You’re at the Peak

Last weekend, I was in San Luis Obispo, California, a beautiful college town along the Central Coast of California. At the hotel where I stayed, there was a brochure with a list of recommended hikes in the outskirts of the town. The weather was a balmy 70 degrees despite the fact that it was late […]