
Living In Gratitude: 7 Behaviors of Conscientious People

Conscientiousness is a personality trait of being thorough, careful and attentive. People who exhibit this trait are efficient and organized, aim for achievement and possess self-discipline.

According to research, people who are conscientious live longer, earn more, have more influence, are happier at work and have better relationships than those who don’t display this characteristic. They also tend to purposefully avoid behaviors that will be detrimental to their long-term happiness and their overall success. Instead they focus on what will contribute to their achievements and contentment.

  1. Consider their purchases

Conscientious people stick to a budget. They don’t make impulsive and unnecessary purchases. Instead, they take time to consider if they really need or want something and how that might impact their finances. They also pay their bills on time and stay within their credit limits, all things that benefit their long-term financial stability. Read more

Living in Gratitude: Morning Rituals for Success

Every morning starts a new page in your story. make it a great one today. ~Doe Zanamata

Studies prove that our willpower is at its peak in the morning. Establishing a morning ritual allows us to set our intentions for the day ahead. Mornings are the ideal time to create a routine and set priorities, as this minimizes becoming distracted by other less important things and helps keep stress at bay. It also ensures we achieve what we set out to do before our body and mind fatigue.

Here are 10 steps to creating a morning ritual for success.

  1. Go to bed early

The proper amount of sleep is necessary for mental and physical health. It boosts our creativity, productivity and ability to handle the challenges and opportunities the next day will bring.

  1. Get up an hour early

Although this sounds unappealing to many and will take some time to adjust to, research shows that early risers are more optimistic. They consciously anticipate problems and are able to minimize them effectively, a critical skill to success in our lives and careers. It also allows us to have quiet time along to plan and prepare.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: How To Live a Successful Life

This simple, sweet poem offers sound advice on living a life of authenticity, appreciation, acceptance and understanding. When we strive to be kind, patient, gentle and gracious, we open our hearts to everything and everyone around us. It nurtures respect of ourselves as well as that of others. By following these guidelines, we will make a positive impact on the world around us.

Mend a quarrel.

Seek out a forgotten friend.

Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.

Write a letter.

Give a soft answer.

Encourage youth.

Manifest your loyalty in a word and deed.

Keep a promise.

Forgo a grudge. Read more

Living In Gratitude: So Many Reasons To Give Thanks

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, it seems like the perfect time to talk about giving thanks. After all, that is what this special day is all about: gathering with family and friends and expressing gratitude for all the blessings and abundance in our lives.

Each year brings with it a cornucopia of things, challenges, changes, adventures, opportunities, losses, renewals, laughter, sadness, lessons and stresses.

It is always easier to appreciate the obvious positives – a promotion, wedding, graduation or birth – but many of us do find ourselves lacking when it comes to being thankful for life’s hardships, losses and even day to day irritations.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: Don’t Look Back

Don’t allow yesterday to take up too much of today.

Too often, we focus on the past and things that happened rather than focusing on the here and now. We beat ourselves up or worry about what could have been, what we should have said or done. Or, we dwell in the past, reliving what was and not living what is.

This is like reading the same chapter in a book again and again, not making progress because we never move forward.

We’ve all had things happen that we regret or wish we could change. Often, these lessons are very challenging and we continue to dwell on them, looking back and reexamining every facet of the situation and asking “What if?” 

What if I had taken that job or done better on that project?

What if I had helped that friend in need?

What if I hadn’t spent so much time working?

What if I hadn’t reacted in anger?

What if, what if, what if…. The list is an endless one if we allow it to be.

It’s okay to ask ourselves these questions as a way to acknowledge and accept our past so we can make a change for the better as we move forward.  But dwelling on all of our what ifs doesn’t allow us to participate in today.

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Living In Gratitude: Admire Without Questioning

Admire someone else’s beauty without questioning your own.

Studies show that women frequently compare themselves to other women and in doing so, come up short and feel lesser than. On the other hand, when men compare themselves against other men, they generally place themselves as better than.

The comparisons we make are many: physical, social, parental and career-based among others.

When we as women look at other women, we judge ourselves against them and find fault in ourselves.

We see physical attributes, their abilities as a mother, their successful career, their talent, their fitness, the car they drive, the house they live in…the list goes on.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: Worry and Irritation Vanish

I have found that worry and irritation vanish the moment I open my mind to the many blessings I possess. ~Dale Carnegie

We all have times when we find ourselves fretting over something as well as times when we are simply annoyed.

I know that I’ve definitely spent time worrying about things that, in the end, turned out to be much less of an issue than I’d worked them up to be in my mind. Even if you have a circumstance that is truly worrisome, think about all of the time and energy you’re wasting worrying about it. Worry can lead to fear, which can emotionally and mentally cripple, keeping us in a stagnant state where solutions, opportunities and life in general pass us by. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Power Of Gratitude

Gratitude in advance is the most powerful creative force in the Universe. ~Neale Donald Walsh

It makes sense to be grateful for the things we already have:

  • A roof over our head.
  • Food on our table.
  • A job that pays our bills.
  • Our health.
  • Our family and friends.  Read more

Research Shows The Power In Gratitude

You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

It’s easy to take being grateful for granted. It’s easy to say, “Oh sure, gratitude,” and dismiss it as positive thinking ‘mumbo jumbo’. Do not make this mistake.

Be amazed! Research says…

Numerous scientific studies show that when people engage in a regular practice of heartfelt gratitude, they experience a significantly increased amount of physical, psychological, and interpersonal benefits. In some instances, people have said that their practice of gratitude led to transformative life changes. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Be Proud of Who You Are

Be proud of who your are rather than what you have.

What we own doesn’t define us.

The home we live in, the car we drive, the title on our business card, the clothes we wear. None of those material things truly reflect the person we are. Read more