
Teaching Children Gratitude Part 2

Helping the children in our lives to express appreciation from an early age is a gift that will bring them abundance throughout their lives.

In Part 1 of this blog, we discussed nature as a doorway to nurturing appreciation in children. Here, we will talk more about care, affection and compliments as other gratitude practices.

Care is an Important Aspect of Appreciation

  • Help your child take care of their things.
  • Teach them to respect their belongings and the property of others.
  • Demonstrate an attitude of thankfulness for what you have and for your life together.
  • Acknowledgements, celebrations and shared reflection are simple ways to express your gratitude. Read more

Teaching Gratitude To Children Part 1

The word “appreciation” means really seeing something for what it is- an awareness of how special, how lucky, how unique, how blessed, how big, wonderful or awesome something is. Appreciation is a recognition not based on comparison, but based on the intrinsic value, character or immensity of a thing or state itself.

Some people are born “appreciators”. These people see the world at its essence:

  • the beauty of a sunset
  • the fragile green of a leaf
  • the boundless energy of a small child

Others must be helped to learn to see the beauty and wonder in the world. Read more

How To Teach Children Gratitude

Do not take anything for granted — not one smile or one person or one rainbow or one breath, or one night in your cozy bed.  ~Terri Guillemets

Gratitude is an attitude toward living. Children learn gratitude by watching their parents, teachers, grandparents and other adult role models in their lives. These role models set the tone. Children mirror the values they see on a daily basis. If children are shown and experience the value of gratitude in daily life, appreciation will become a part of their attitude.

Below are four ways to nurture gratitude in children. Read more