Express Your Gratitude With Our Exclusive Spiral Pendants

Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life. ~ Rumi

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The spiral symbolizes the path leading from external awareness to inner enlightenment and back again.  

Have you noticed when we you think of someone or something you appreciate that  ‘grateful thoughts’ fill you with a positive, even loving feeling? It then becomes natural to reach out with acts of appreciation, joy and generosity. That’s what gratitude does.  That’s what the spiral of gratitude is. 

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. ~Eckhart Tolle

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It’s a Sweet Life….& Sweet, New Products

When you stop & smell the flowers life is sweet. Witness the beauty in all that you meet.

A positive, appreciative outlook allows us to fully experience the sweetness of life. It is a conscious choice to live every moment with love, grace and gratitude. By doing so, we open our hearts to happiness, growth and abundance.  Read more

The Key To A Happy Life

Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy — because we will always want to have something else or something more. ~ Brother David Steindl-Rastl

Part of the holiday season is the giving of gifts. Giving can be a wonderful expression to show caring and appreciation. These gifts don’t have to be material or store-bought; the ones that aren’t, often, are so much more meaningful. Read more

How To Teach Children Gratitude

Do not take anything for granted — not one smile or one person or one rainbow or one breath, or one night in your cozy bed.  ~Terri Guillemets

Gratitude is an attitude toward living. Children learn gratitude by watching their parents, teachers, grandparents and other adult role models in their lives. These role models set the tone. Children mirror the values they see on a daily basis. If children are shown and experience the value of gratitude in daily life, appreciation will become a part of their attitude.

Below are four ways to nurture gratitude in children. Read more

12 Ways To Bring Gratitude Into Your Life

May you experience all the levels of thankfulness and the soul-gifts that each offers. For then it will be truly possible to give and receive joy every day of your life. ~ M.J. Ryan

Below are 12 things you can do to add gratitude to your everyday life. Count your blessings and see how your whole life will turn around! Read more

Why Thanksgiving Is Important!

Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. ~ Edward Sandford Martin

Thanksgiving. What a truly clever and wonderful idea.

A holiday in which the entire nation collectively comes together, surrounds ourselves with loved ones and takes time to focus on the good things in life.

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Every Problem Has A Purpose

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes. ~ Henry J. Kaiser

When faced with any sort of challenge, we have the choice to approach that obstacle as an opportunity to make us better people, or to take the view that something is conspiring against us.  Read more

6 Tips To Composing Heartfelt Thank You Notes

People like being appreciated. Every gift deserves a thank-you, whether it is a material object, a referral, or to express your appreciation for someone’s friendship, acceptance or support.

Although occasionally a thank you email will do, a handwritten note expresses a completely different level of appreciation. It takes added effort and planning (but not much) to actually pen and mail a thank you card, letter or postcard. Even if your handwriting is poor, still hand-write your notes. Do not type them or use a word processor.

Writing thank-you notes is easier than you remember them being as a kid (when your mom had you write thank you cards for every birthday gift received).  Read more

Awesome Autumn

Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence.
Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.
~Yoko Ono

For those of us who have experienced the magical change and richness of color that comes with autumn, “reverence” is a very fitting word. Another might be, “Wow” or maybe, “Awesome.”  For all of us, there are so many images that put us in touch with the magnificence of nature’s change.  Read more

Less & More, More & Less

Fear less, hope more,

eat less, chew more,

whine less, breathe more,

talk less, say more,

hate less, love more,

and good things will be yours.
~ Swedish Proverb

Hope More:

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all.  ~ Emily Dickinson

Know that even in your darkest hour, there is always hope. Keep hoping even when everything seems hopeless. Keep positive dreams before you. Think good thoughts. Notice and appreciate the miracles and beauty that surrounds you. Watch the sunrise and the sunset. Smile.  Read more