Less & More, More & Less

Fear less, hope more,

eat less, chew more,

whine less, breathe more,

talk less, say more,

hate less, love more,

and good things will be yours.
~ Swedish Proverb

Hope More:

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all.  ~ Emily Dickinson

Know that even in your darkest hour, there is always hope. Keep hoping even when everything seems hopeless. Keep positive dreams before you. Think good thoughts. Notice and appreciate the miracles and beauty that surrounds you. Watch the sunrise and the sunset. Smile. 

Chew More:

In our hustle-bustle society, we often mindlessly eat on the run. There are times when this is necessary but it can easily become a habit. When time allows, make a point to slow down and enjoy. Savor each bite of food; consciously notice the complex tastes, different textures and temperature of the food that nourishes your body. Savoring helps digestion…same as it does in life. Take time to enjoy what you are tasting at this moment.


 Breathe More:

Smile, breathe and go slowly. Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.  Conscious breathing is my anchor.  ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Bringing a gentle focus to the ‘breath in and the breath out’ is a simple way to relax and be present in the moment. Conscious, relaxed, deep breathing invigorates, reduces stress and puts us in a place of serenity.

Say More:

Say as you think, and speak it from your soul. ~ William Shakespeare

Tune in to what you really want and need to say to the people in your life, the words that most express your gratitude, love and truth. Then say them. Have the courage to make your love and appreciation known.

Love More:

Let your love be like the misty rains, coming softly, but flooding the river.  ~Malagasy Proverb

We all have the innate need to love and be loved. As Mother Teresa says, “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” Don’t allow those you love to go hungry.  Each day, make love a habit. Show your appreciation and affection, give healing hugs, be encouraging, say I love you.

Let Go:

Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. ~ Hermann Hesse

Let go of hang ups that hold you back.

Let go of rushing through life and wishing each day away.

Let go of giving into habits that harm.

Let go of negativity toward yourself and others.

Letting go sounds simple but can be difficult. Yet by learning to let go, we open ourselves to wonderful new possibilities. Letting go seems like a release of control, which for many is a frightening thought. But through this release, we find that our lives fall into the natural balance the universe intended.

Good Things Will Be Yours

Overindulge in joy, in the healing of heartfelt hugs, of giving thanks, of feeling the sand between your toes and the air in your lungs. Feel the softness of your pillow beneath your head, experience the sweet explosion of a juicy orange on your tongue. Indulge, enjoy, live in the moment.

Comment and share with us.

What would you like to do more of? 

Have a day filled with gratitude and good things!


Art of Appreciation Online Workshop

Change Your Outlook, Change Your Life

Choose between a daily worksheet or e-book format. $40.

The Art of Appreciation Online Workshop is for people who want to have fun and take charge of their personal happiness by infusing their lives with genuine gratitude. It takes only a few minutes a day and can be fit into your schedule in whatever way works best.

Guided by the daily ‘gratitude-focused’ worksheets, your journey will kick start a powerful shift in personal perspective, opening your eyes to the wonders of life and providing an overall sense of wellbeing.

Available in the Gratitude Habitat Gift Shop.