
Living In Gratitude: Every Problem Has A Purpose

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes. ~ Henry J. Kaiser

When faced with any sort of challenge, we have the choice to approach that obstacle as an opportunity to make us better people or to adopt the attitude that ‘the world’ or ‘someone’ is conspiring against us.

When we look at all of the curve balls life throws us, be the big, small or in between, we realize that each and every problem has a purpose:

One to make you stronger, one to make you more patient, one to teach tolerance and forgiveness, another to help us communicate more clearly, and yet another to instill creativity. Read more

Every Problem Has A Purpose

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes. ~ Henry J. Kaiser

When faced with any sort of challenge, we have the choice to approach that obstacle as an opportunity to make us better people, or to take the view that something is conspiring against us.  Read more