Living In Gratitude: 12 Ways To Be Grateful Every Day

May you experience all the levels of thankfulness and the soul-gifts that each offers. For then it will be truly possible to give and receive joy every day of your life. ~ M.J. Ryan

Here are 12 simple things we can do to add gratitude to our lives.

1. Practice gratitude every day. Write in a journal, in an email to a friend, around the dinner table with your family… However you incorporate it, make gratitude a routine.

2. Create visual or auditory reminders. Signs around your home, pop ups on your computer or online calendar, reminders on your cell phones.

3. Focus on the good in life rather than the bad.

4. Say “thank you” to others as often as possible. Just like “I love you,” those two words can never be said enough.

5. Include yourself in your daily thankfulness because the more we appreciate ourselves, the more our good qualities grow. Ask yourself: What did I do well? What am I thankful to me for? 

6. Remind yourself why you love your partner, kids, friends and family especially when they are frustrating you.

7. Focus on what you have rather than comparing yourself to others and what they possess that you don’t.

Life is fullPI

8. Appreciate your body. Ask yourself: What has my body done for me today that I’m grateful for?

9. Find a token, such as a rock, that you can keep in your pocket or on your person. Every time you touch it, think of something or someone you appreciate.

10. When adversity presents itself in your life, acknowledge the situation may be bad but ask yourself: What is the silver lining in this challenge? 

11. Look for the hidden blessings in all challenges. How have you grown as a person from that experience?

12. Imagine this day is the last one of your life. How would you treasure it?

May your day be filled with gratitude and good things.