
Living In Gratitude: A New Year, A New Appreciation

Be in love with your life, every minute of it. ~Jack Keroac

Every moment of life is an adventure and January 1st holds the promise of a fresh start. Many of us choose this day to start ‘over’, to make changes in our lives.

For those considering making a New Years resolution, nurturing one’s gratitude can provide profound and life-altering changes.

Feeling and expressing appreciation spills over into all areas of life.

It enhances our relationships, creating stronger bonds among family, friends and coworkers.

Gratitude nourishes our bodies, boosting our immunity and our overall health. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Let Joy Happen

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. ~Marianne Williamson

When we cultivate gratitude, we feel true joy and contentment, despite what we have or don’t have in our life. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. This means, when we are grateful for what we already have, we naturally attract more to appreciate. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Simply Grateful for Today

Each day, we have 24 hours. That equal 1,400 minutes or 86,400 seconds. Throughout each precious day, we make choices on our attitude, our behavior, our thoughts, actions and words.  These can be hurtful or helpful, both to ourselves and others. During each of those 86,400 seconds, we choose.

Make the choice to simply be grateful for today. Notice how that gratitude spirals both outward and inward, embracing others as well as lifting us up as well.

Buddhist monks begin every day with a gratitude meditation. This helps to awaken their joy, kindness and compassion in spite of everything, reminding them of the blessings of being alive. Read more

Live An Inspired Life

Achieving true happiness is a personal, everyday process that comes from inside each of us.

Happiness isn’t something we can buy or that someone gives us. Like everything worth having, happiness is something that takes focused effort.

Your attitude makes the difference!

Our attitude and how we react to the world, the people in our lives and the challenges we face either lift us up or bring us down. We always have a choice. By striving for an optimistic outlook and focusing on the good, we allow happiness to take root.

Take charge of your personal happiness!

Embark on an adventure of appreciation with our 30-Day E-Course. Receive $7 off through July 30, 2016 when you use promotional code GETHAPPY.


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Living In Gratitude: Be Proud of Who You Are

Be proud of who your are rather than what you have.

What we own doesn’t define us.

The home we live in, the car we drive, the title on our business card, the clothes we wear. None of those material things truly reflect the person we are. Read more

Living In Gratitude: 5 Ways To Practice Gratitude

Be more energetic

Be healthier

Be creative

Be likable

Be productive

Gratitude is an action word. Put this amazing positive force to work in your life by doing.

As you practice appreciation, notice how you feel about yourself, about others, about the world around you. Read more

Ode To My Socks

Mara Mori brought me
 a pair of socks
 which she knitted herself
 with her sheepherder’s hands, 
two socks as soft as rabbits.
 I slipped my feet into them
 as if they were two cases
 knitted with threads of twilight and goatskin,
violet socks,
 my feet were two fish made of wool, 
two long sharks
 sea blue, shot through
 by one golden thread, 
two immense blackbirds, 
two cannons, 
my feet were honored in this way
 by these heavenly socks.
 Read more

Living In Gratitude: Do All The Good You Can

..By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can,

In all the places you can,

To all the people you can,

As long as you ever can.

~John Wesley

With 2015 only a few days away, many of us are contemplating our New Year’s resolutions. A wonderful intention for each of us is to ‘do all the good we can’. Read more

Living In Gratitude: The Most Important Ingredient

Gratitude is the single most important ingredient to living a successful and fulfilled life. ~ Jack Canfield

Society often promotes success as based upon monetary and material things. But what truly makes life fulfilling and ensures success is being grateful for all we have.

Studies show that people who practice gratitude are healthier, happier, more productive, and earn more money than those who don’t appreciate what they already have. They have stronger relationships with friends, family, coworkers, and partners. An attitude of gratitude boosts careers, allows us to more easily overcome challenges, resolve problems, and manage stress. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Just For Today

I will let go of worry.

I will let go of anger.

I will do my work honestly.

I will give thanks for my many blessings.

I will be kind to every living thing.

~Reiki Precepts

Letting go can be a freeing process, especially when we release negative emotions. Giving thanks for our many blessings allows us to let go and boosts our happiness.  Read more