
Living In Gratitude: Just For Today

I will let go of worry.

I will let go of anger.

I will do my work honestly.

I will give thanks for my many blessings.

I will be kind to every living thing.

~Reiki Precepts

Letting go can be a freeing process, especially when we release negative emotions. Giving thanks for our many blessings allows us to let go and boosts our happiness.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: Now Is The Time

If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or the next year… Today should always be our most wonderful day. ~Thomas Dreier

The ability to live in the present and savor positive experiences has been scientifically proven to enhance and prolong happiness. People who become ‘experts’ at extending and reliving good feelings as well as appreciating things both big and small tend to experience less negative emotions such as stress and depression. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Express Gratitude

The expression of gratitude is a kind of meta-strategy for achieving happiness. ~ Sonja Lyubomirsky

Gratitude is many things to many people but it is so much more than simply saying ‘thank you’.

  • Gratitude is wonder.
  • It is appreciation.
  • It is looking on the bright side after a setback.
  • It is thanking the people who support you.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: You Are Never Too Old

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. ~C.S. Lewis

Keep life vibrant and inspiring by exploring new things, taking new opportunities and aiming for new heights. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.

By taking time to show your gratitude for the small things in life, you will open your eyes and heart to the tremendous amount you have to be grateful for.

If you’re not used to appreciating the little things, take baby steps. Start with being aware of those seemingly insignificant and trivial things. Make a mental note of one or two things a day that you appreciated. Maybe even start a gratitude journal and jot these items down each day.

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Gratitude: Candy For Your Doctor? How Appreciation Changes The Interaction

Appreciation can be a kind of wake-up call. It can spark aliveness and connection in both the receiver and the giver. Below is a description of a study that utilized candy to measure the response of doctors.

I liked the idea and put my own version to work:

Recently I visited a new doctor for my annual check-up. Instead of candy, I brought with me, as a gift, one of the Gratitude Habitat bookmarks. Written on it is, “Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.”  My appointment was at the end of the day. Dr. S. looked a bit tired. As I handed her the bookmark I simply said, “Thank you for the work you do.” She stopped, read it, took a breath and shared a story of how the day before, she told her ailing father how much she appreciated him and how important it was for him to be grateful, too. They talked about what they appreciated about each other and about life. She said that his spirit was lifted and his voice grew stronger. Her facial expression and voice tone were soft and open. Clearly a special moment was created.

My new doctor said to me, “This is a perfect gift for me. Thank you.”

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Living In Gratitude: Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today.

Notice how many people you can make smile by spreading happiness, joy, and appreciation today.

A genuine thank you, a warm hug, a kind word, a cheery ‘hello!’ all make others feel warm and fuzzy. Read more

Living In Gratitude: The Gift Of Giving Thanks

I’ve discovered that ‘giving thanks’ is a sweet gift to myself and others. ~Carol Adamski

One of the most timeless and thoughtful gifts you can give someone is your gratitude. Not only does it make the recipient feel appreciated, but it makes us as the giver, feel wonderful as well.

Be lavish and heartfelt with your appreciation of others. Spread those genuine “thank you’s” around. Notice how those two little words hold so much power and meaning.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: See The Beauty In Life

In reality, there are no ordinary or extraordinary moments. Beauty is all around us all the time . If we truly understand this and practice being open and aware, we can look at any ordinary object, find the beauty in its existence and appreciate it.

  • Dirt is beautiful for the life-giving nourishment it provides. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Celebrate You!

You are a special recipe of strengths, talents, and qualities. Celebrate you! ~ Carol Adamski, Art of Appreciation Workshop

Each of us is unique. There really is no one else exactly like us. We all possess special attributes that should be applauded, especially by ourselves. It is possible to celebrate and appreciate ourselves while still remaining humble.   Read more