
Living In Gratitude: Kindness

Know that your kindness has a ripple effect in the universe.

Just like gratitude, kindness is powerful. It can have an enormous impact on the world. Opportunities to be kind are all around us, each and every day. When we spread the seeds of kindness, we help others and also fill our own souls and hearts.

Kindness is a virtue and is a much-sought after value in many cultures. No act of kindness is every wasted. It is even possible to be kind to those for which we have no fondness. The smallest act of kindness is worth more that the greatest intention and is appreciated a thousandfold. Read more


Make The Best Of Things

Throughout our lives, we are presented with opportunities. How we view these situations and what we do with them is our choice. At times, we may feel an opportunity is more of an obstacle.

In the story below, famous violinist Itzhak Perlman reaches into himself to create beautiful music with what is available to him at that very moment. His situation illustrates how we all have the chance to create and contribute even when circumstances are not the best.


World renown violinist Itzhak Perlman was stricken with polio at the age of four. He eventually recovered and learned to walk with crutches. Today, he uses crutches, leg braces or an electric scooter for mobility and plays the violin while seated.  Read more

12 Ways To Bring Gratitude Into Your Life

May you experience all the levels of thankfulness and the soul-gifts that each offers. For then it will be truly possible to give and receive joy every day of your life. ~ M.J. Ryan

Below are 12 things you can do to add gratitude to your everyday life. Count your blessings and see how your whole life will turn around! Read more