Living In Gratitude: Resolve To Be Grateful

Be in love with your life, every minute of it. ~Jack Keroac

Every moment of life is an adventure and the start of a new year always holds the promise of a fresh start. Many of us choose this time to ‘start over’, to make changes in our lives for the better.

For those who’ve made a New Years resolution or two, consider making a resolution to be more grateful. Nurturing one’s gratitude can provide profound and life-altering changes.

Feeling and expressing appreciation spills over into all areas of life.

It enhances our relationships, creating stronger bonds among family, friends, and coworkers.

Gratitude nourishes our bodies, boosting our immunity and our overall health.

Being grateful allows us to ounce back during times of adversity as we can find the blessings in even our darkest moments.

Our creativity, productivity, and self-esteem are all positively affected by genuine gratitude.

As the unknown of each day unfolds, it offers unusual, exciting, and sometimes challenging experiences. Some days are amazing and invigorating while others can leave us overwhelmed, irritated, disappointed, worried or sad.

When we take a moment to reflect on the abundance and blessings life provides, including those difficult moments that are guaranteed to each of us, we will find so many reasons to be grateful.

In every day, whatever it brings, there is something for which to be thankful.

Those reasons may not be clear at the time, but by keeping an open heart and mind, they will become apparent and you will truly be in love with your life.

Here are a few tips on how to solidify your resolution to be more appreciative.

  • Keep a gratitude journal-take a few minutes every day to jot down 5 or 10 things you were thankful for.
  • Express your appreciation-tell people who’ve supported you or done something helpful, Thank You!”
  • Be present-look around and take note of the world. Find things to appreciate throughout the day.
  • Sign up for The Art of Appreciation E-Course-kickstart your gratitude with inspiring, creative gratitude activities.

May 2018 and all your days thereafter be filled with gratitude and good things.