
Living In Gratitude: Be Present & Thankful

Be present in all things and thankful for all things. ~Maya Angelou

One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and those we care about is our presence. Not just our physical presence but fully immersing ourselves in the moment.

Really listen and engage when a child is telling you a story or showing you something they created.

When spending time with friends at dinner, put away your smartphone and listen, laugh, savor and revel in the joy of friendship and love. Read more

Living in Gratitude: You Wouldn’t Worry So Much

You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think if you realized how seldom they do. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Many of us live our lives wondering what other people will think of us if we (fill in the blank).

That ‘blank’ can be just about anything: what we wear, the kind of job we have, if we buy the neighbor’s daughter’s Girl Scout cookies or not, how we eat, if we are overweight or too thin…

And the list goes on. Read more

5 Ways To Practice Gratitude

Just like exercising and eating right, getting into a regular habit of being grateful is a discipline but one well worth the effort. Studies show that people who show their appreciation daily are more energetic, determined, healthier and more creative as well as have better interpersonal relationships, are more optimistic and better able to handle stress and personal challenges.

Here are five ways to practice gratitude that will help strengthen your appreciation muscles.


1. Each day, write down 3 to 5 things for which you are grateful. Watch what happens to the abundance in your life. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings,

Count your friends,

Count what really matters.

Only a few days away, Thanksgiving is a time when we gather family and friends together over a feast. We share our gratitudes and express our thankfulness for the bounty of the past year. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Interrupt Worry

Interrupt worry with gratitude.

We all have moments, or even days, when worry seems all-consuming. Sometimes, we worry about important things-our health, our finances, our family, our careers. Other times, we spend time worrying about little things, many of which, when we really consider it, don’t matter much in the grand scheme of life. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Begin & End Each Day

Begin and end each day with a grateful heart.

Each day is a gift, something to unwrap, filled with discovery and unknown treasures. Expressing our gratitude for all of the blessings, beauty, and wonder every day offers, we invite happiness, laughter, peace, kindness, and satisfaction into our hearts and lives.

Gratitude has been proven by over 40 research studies to have long-lasting and wide-reaching impact on all aspects of life. During their extensive studies, top gratitude researchers, Dr. Robert Emmons and Sonja Lyubomirsky, have consistently shown that gratitude is essential to happiness and wellbeing. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Appreciation & Encouragement

The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. ~Charles Schwab

Appreciation and encouragement are powerful. They bring out the best in others. They bring out the best in us.

When we encourage others and express our appreciation for them, we strengthen our relationships with those people. We validate others by noticing the things people do, whether it is for us or for others. Appreciation nurtures self-worth, an open heart, and happiness, to name but a few.

And, when we lift others up and make them feel good, we in turn experience positive effects.

Gratitude and feeling appreciated are integral to our own personal happiness as well as the happiness of others. We all feel more worthwhile and complete when we are appreciated and when we appreciate.

Encouragement and appreciation nurture:

  • Good feelings
  • Happy memories
  • Self-esteem
  • Deeper relationships
  • Increased kindness
  • Enhanced productivity and creativity

Take time to notice and appreciate the abilities, talents, and positive attributes of those around you. Watch how your relationships and happiness flourishes!

May your day be filled with gratitude and good things.

Living In Gratitude: Just For Today

I will let go of worry.

I will let go of anger.

I will do my work honestly.

I will give thanks for my many blessings.

I will be kind to every living thing.

~Reiki Precepts

Letting go can be a freeing process, especially when we release negative emotions. Giving thanks for our many blessings allows us to let go and boosts our happiness.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: Now Is The Time

If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or the next year… Today should always be our most wonderful day. ~Thomas Dreier

The ability to live in the present and savor positive experiences has been scientifically proven to enhance and prolong happiness. People who become ‘experts’ at extending and reliving good feelings as well as appreciating things both big and small tend to experience less negative emotions such as stress and depression. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Thank You

I am ever grateful that you are in my life.

Ask yourself:

  • Who am I grateful for today?
  • How can I express my gratitude to these people?

Make a point of showing your appreciation the people who love and support you. Say thank you, give small gifts, offer your support, send an unexpected text, email or note telling that person how much you value them. Read more