
Living In Gratitude: Begin & End Each Day

Begin and end each day with a grateful heart.

Each day is a gift, something to unwrap, filled with discovery and unknown treasures. Expressing our gratitude for all of the blessings, beauty, and wonder every day offers, we invite happiness, laughter, peace, kindness, and satisfaction into our hearts and lives.

Gratitude has been proven by over 40 research studies to have long-lasting and wide-reaching impact on all aspects of life. During their extensive studies, top gratitude researchers, Dr. Robert Emmons and Sonja Lyubomirsky, have consistently shown that gratitude is essential to happiness and wellbeing. Read more

Living In Gratitude: A New Day

A new day…another chance to love.


Another chance to love yourself.

Another chance to love your spouse or partner.

Another chance to love your children.

Another chance to love your friends.

Another chance to love your enemy.

Another chance to love life.


Each day is a fresh start. Yesterday is over. Start today anew. Start with an open heart, filled with love, kindness, and gratitude. Those three things will get you far.

May your day be filled with gratitude and good things.

Living In Gratitude: Be Blessed

Blessed are those who give without remembering and receive without forgetting. ~ Carol Adamski

When we are able to give to others without keeping a running tally, this allows us to let go and boosts our overall happiness. We should give to others not out of a sense of obligation, but because we genuinely want to express that compliment, cook that meal, volunteer our time. To give freely means nothing is expected in return.

On the flip side, when we are given something, this is where we should be sure to remember the kindness extended or the gift presented. We should express our appreciation and let the giver know how much their gift meant. By showing our gratitude, even with a simple yet heartfelt  ‘thank you‘, the giver will feel appreciated, our relationship with them will deepen, and mutually beneficial, positive feelings will result.

It may take some practice to give freely without remembering and receive graciously without forgetting, but it is something well worth the time and energy. The blessings that will grow from this practice will enhance all aspects of your life.

May your day be filled with gratitude and good things.

Living In Gratitude: Appreciation & Encouragement

The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. ~Charles Schwab

Appreciation and encouragement are powerful. They bring out the best in others. They bring out the best in us.

When we encourage others and express our appreciation for them, we strengthen our relationships with those people. We validate others by noticing the things people do, whether it is for us or for others. Appreciation nurtures self-worth, an open heart, and happiness, to name but a few.

And, when we lift others up and make them feel good, we in turn experience positive effects.

Gratitude and feeling appreciated are integral to our own personal happiness as well as the happiness of others. We all feel more worthwhile and complete when we are appreciated and when we appreciate.

Encouragement and appreciation nurture:

  • Good feelings
  • Happy memories
  • Self-esteem
  • Deeper relationships
  • Increased kindness
  • Enhanced productivity and creativity

Take time to notice and appreciate the abilities, talents, and positive attributes of those around you. Watch how your relationships and happiness flourishes!

May your day be filled with gratitude and good things.

Living In Gratitude: Now Is The Time

If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or the next year… Today should always be our most wonderful day. ~Thomas Dreier

The ability to live in the present and savor positive experiences has been scientifically proven to enhance and prolong happiness. People who become ‘experts’ at extending and reliving good feelings as well as appreciating things both big and small tend to experience less negative emotions such as stress and depression. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.

By taking time to show your gratitude for the small things in life, you will open your eyes and heart to the tremendous amount you have to be grateful for.

If you’re not used to appreciating the little things, take baby steps. Start with being aware of those seemingly insignificant and trivial things. Make a mental note of one or two things a day that you appreciated. Maybe even start a gratitude journal and jot these items down each day.

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Living In Gratitude: Whatever The Present Moment Contains…

Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. ~Eckhart Tolle


There are days when life throws us curve balls. Many are minor frustrations and others, major challenges. When these occur, as they are sure to, take a deep breath and do your best to work with rather than against the tide. Read more

Change Your Thoughts: Pre-Surgery Gratitude

It is in our hands to shift our thoughts, feelings, energy and therefore, our actions.

I recently had the opportunity to meet with a coaching client who was in the middle of a medical issue. After her surgery and when she was recovered, I asked her if she would be willing to write about her experience. Following is the reflection I received from her. Thank you, Kathleen.

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Living In Gratitude: Focus On The Gift

Focus on the gift of living and the gift of giving.


Every day is a gift.

Live it to the fullest.

Savor each moment. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Start Today With Gratitude

Start today with gratitude.

Just as our morning cup of coffee or tea is vital to kickstarting our day, taking a few moments to be thankful can positively affect our day.

Noticing and expressing appreciation helps put us in a more optimistic frame of mind, liftting our spirits as well as our overall attitude. A daily dose of gratitude may even offer a bigger energy boost than our favorite caffienated drink! Read more