The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. ~Charles Schwab
Appreciation and encouragement are powerful. They bring out the best in others. They bring out the best in us.
When we encourage others and express our appreciation for them, we strengthen our relationships with those people. We validate others by noticing the things people do, whether it is for us or for others. Appreciation nurtures self-worth, an open heart, and happiness, to name but a few.

And, when we lift others up and make them feel good, we in turn experience positive effects.
Gratitude and feeling appreciated are integral to our own personal happiness as well as the happiness of others. We all feel more worthwhile and complete when we are appreciated and when we appreciate.
Encouragement and appreciation nurture:
- Good feelings
- Happy memories
- Self-esteem
- Deeper relationships
- Increased kindness
- Enhanced productivity and creativity
Take time to notice and appreciate the abilities, talents, and positive attributes of those around you. Watch how your relationships and happiness flourishes!
May your day be filled with gratitude and good things.