
Living In Gratitude: Start Today With Gratitude

Start today with gratitude.

Just as our morning cup of coffee or tea is vital to kickstarting our day, taking a few moments to be thankful can positively affect our day.

Noticing and expressing appreciation helps put us in a more optimistic frame of mind, liftting our spirits as well as our overall attitude. A daily dose of gratitude may even offer a bigger energy boost than our favorite caffienated drink! Read more

Living In Gratitude: I Am Grateful

I am grateful for the years I’ve had, people along the way, mistakes made and opportunities taken. ~Carol Adamski

This very moment, stop and look around. Ask yourself:

What opens my heart to gratitude? Read more

Living In Gratitude: It Is Impossible To Be Grateful And Depressed

It is impossible to be grateful and depressed simultaneously.

And when we are feeling down, one of the quickest ways to boost our spirits is to reflect on what we have to be grateful for. Even when our days are darkest, there is always something we can appreciate. Really.

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Gratitude To The People We Care About

Giving thanks. It’s easy to forget and it’s easy to take for granted those people in our lives who we truly care about. When we tune in and feel gratitude it opens our hearts and brings us to a plane where true joy happens.  The most important place to feel and express gratitude is in our most important relationships. Yet, often we take those relationships for granted. What would happen if we took a few minutes each day to give thanks to our partners, children, family? I think that a lot of insignificant gripes would drop away. Seeing and expressing gratitude has a way of moving us to step back, see the bigger picture and remind us what we really want. Open your heart. Give thanks. See what happens.

How would you like to show gratitude to the people you care about?