
Living In Gratitude: Every Day May Not Be Good

…but there is good in every day.

We’ve all had ‘one of those days’ when it seems that nothing is going our way.

  • Our alarm clock doesn’t go off.
  • We spill coffee on our work clothes.
  • Our car doesn’t start.

And it just goes on from there… Read more

Living In Gratitude: Have Some Fun

Find time today to: sing, dance, skip, be silly. Have some fun. Life is too short for your seriousness.

All too often, we get caught up in the serious things life throws at us.

  • Can we pay our bills this month?
  • The commute traffic that gets worse each day.
  • An argument we had with a loved one.
  • An issue in our job or problem with our health. Read more

Gratitude In The Workplace

People want to belong and feel appreciated by their employer. When shown gratitude at work, employees:

  • Are Happier
  • Feel appreciated
  • Take pride in what they do
  • Are more creative
  • Have increased company loyalty
  • Give their all for their employer

This generates contentment, which results in a healthier mental and physical state as shown by studies done by Robert Emmons and Michael McCollough. People who are happier work harder, are healthier and stay with a company longer.

“The difference between mere management and leadership is communication.” ~Winston Churchill

Leadership Isn’t Something You Can Do on Your Own

It requires a team. Great leaders inspire, motivate and help their employees to become better. They express appreciation. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Morning Offering

May I have the courage today

To live the life that I would love,

To postpone my dream no longer

But do at last what I came here for

And waste my heart on fear no more.

~John O’Donohue’s Morning Offering

This wonderful poem is the perfect way to begin each day. It serves as a reminder that we can each have the life that we dream of when we cast aside our fear and move steadfastly toward what we wish to achieve.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: Do All The Good You Can

..By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can,

In all the places you can,

To all the people you can,

As long as you ever can.

~John Wesley

With 2015 only a few days away, many of us are contemplating our New Year’s resolutions. A wonderful intention for each of us is to ‘do all the good we can’. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Stop Focusing On How Stressed You Are

Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are.

There are days when life overwhelms us. Everything is a struggle and our stress level skyrockets.

When we are in this place – and it happens to all of us – we often focus on what is wrong rather than all of the blessings that surround us.

Read more

Living In Gratitude: Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today.

Notice how many people you can make smile by spreading happiness, joy, and appreciation today.

A genuine thank you, a warm hug, a kind word, a cheery ‘hello!’ all make others feel warm and fuzzy. Read more

Living In Gratitude: An Act Of Abundance

Expressing gratitude is an act of abundance.


When we stop and consciously acknowledge all we have in life, we begin to discover how much we have to appreciate.

Give it a try. Act abundantly and express your gratitude.

Try taking time each day to make notes in a journal about all the things, people, occurrences and opportunities that you appreciate. After a few weeks, go back over your lists to see how amazing and abundant life is!

May your day be filled with gratitude and good things.

10 Easy Ways To Practice Gratitude

It’s Good To Be Grateful!

Robert Emmons, noted researcher in the psychology of gratitude, was asked what were the three key things he wanted people to know about gratitude. “First, the practice of gratitude can increase happiness levels by around 25%. Second, this is not hard to achieve–a few hours writing in a gratitude journal over 3 weeks can create an effect that lasts 6 months if not more. Third, cultivating gratitude brings other health effects, such as longer and better quality sleep time.”

25% happier? Sounds good to me! Then, a little time journaling our ‘gratitudes’ for long lasting effects along with better health? That’s a pretty good deal for the amount of effort.    Read more

Living In Gratitude: Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Take time to reflect, write in your journal or post on Facebook.

Consider for a moment all of the things you have to express gratitude for…

  • Music to soothe your soul
  • Good friends to celebrate special occasions
  • Each of your senses with which to fully experience life
  • The beauty of every season
  • Walking barefoot in the sand
  • The small of freshly cut grass
The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, the more things you will have to express gratitude for. ~Zig Ziglar