Living In Gratitude: 10 Things to Quit in 2020

The New Year symbolizes a fresh start, with many people making resolutions. Often these are things like losing weight, getting fit or eating healthier. These are all great resolutions, but we wanted to pose ten other possibilities that can make an enormous impact on your wellbeing, relationships, career and overall happiness.

Here is a list of ten things to quit in the year ahead. Whether you pick one or work on all of them, these are resolutions that will make life so much better. 

1.Trying to please everyone

2. Fearing change

3. Living in the past

4. Overthinking

5. Engaging in negative self-talk

6. Being afraid to be our authentic self

7. Sacrificing our happiness for others

8. Believing we’re not good enough

9. Not setting personal boundaries

10. Imposing our expectations on others

These ten things hold us back in so many ways. They hinder our personal growth, ability to find happiness and joy, to be adventurous, explore and embrace new opportunities. They can impact our relationships at home and at work as well as our relationship with ourselves. 

Loving yourself

When we perpetually live in the past, continually asking “What if?” we become paralyzed from moving forward. By constantly over-analyzing everything, we stop ourselves from making decisions, from being creative, from finding our purpose, from exploring new relationships, career paths and so much more. 

When we are afraid to be ourselves, to not speak our truth and stand firm with our personal boundaries, we give up our personal happiness and allow others to take advantage of us, dictating who we are and what we stand for.

When our inner voice tells us we aren’t good enough, have no value, aren’t “worth it,” we limit our possibilities. Our confidence, curiosity and personal as well as professional growth suffer.

When we have uncommunicated and unagreed-upon expectations of others, we set ourselves up for disappointment and begin constructing walls of resentment, ultimately damaging our relationships.

What if you devoted this year to loving yourself? In 2020, let go of any or all of these hindrances. Toss them away. They don’t serve you. Instead, live in the present, embrace change, be resilient, be yourself, speak your truth, stand firm on your boundaries, know you add value, look for ways to find joy.

May your day and year ahead be filled with gratitude and good things.