Living In Gratitude: I Am Grateful For…

I am grateful for the years I’ve had, people along the way, mistakes made, and opportunities taken. ~Carol Adamski

When we stop and consider all of the things that happen to us each and every day, as the years go by, that quickly adds up to a very long list of gratitudes.

At the end of your day, sit in a quiet place and jot down the people, mistakes, and opportunities you are grateful for. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Most Of All, Be Grateful

Be kind, be thoughtful, be genuine, but most of all, be thankful.

In what ways were you kind, thoughtful, genuine and thankful today? Make a note in your gratitude journal or a notebook.

  • Allowing the person with one item to go ahead of me in line. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Start Today With Gratitude

Start today with gratitude.

Just as our morning cup of coffee or tea is vital to kickstarting our day, taking a few moments to be thankful can positively affect our day.

Noticing and expressing appreciation helps put us in a more optimistic frame of mind, liftting our spirits as well as our overall attitude. A daily dose of gratitude may even offer a bigger energy boost than our favorite caffienated drink! Read more

Living In Gratitude: I Am Grateful

I am grateful for the years I’ve had, people along the way, mistakes made and opportunities taken. ~Carol Adamski

This very moment, stop and look around. Ask yourself:

What opens my heart to gratitude? Read more

Living In Gratitude: The Beginning Of Love…

The beginning of love is to let people be themselves.

When we accept those we love for who they truly are, we open our hearts to a deeper love and appreciation of them.

Allowing our friends, children, spouse or partner to be themselves rather than trying to change them into the person we wish they were is a wonderful gift. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Mindfulness

Mindfulness is being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different.

Enjoy the pleasant without holding onto it when it changes.

Accept and ‘be with’ the unpleasant without fearing life will continue that way. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Have An Attitude Of Gratitude

Have an attitude of gratitude. The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, the more things you will have to express gratitude for. ~Zig Ziglar


Attitude really can make a huge difference in our lives. Attitude is how we see the world and how the world sees us.

We have control over our attitude. We choose to be upset at the person who cuts us off on the freeway or we choose to let it go. We choose to get angry when our favorite sports team loses the big game, or we can make the choice to believe they will do better next time. Read more

Living In Gratitude: There Is Always Something To Be Grateful For

There are days when being grateful is so simple. As the Rodgers and Hammerstein song says,

Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day, I’ve got a wonderful feeling, Everything’s going my way.

But, then there are those days when it seems absolutely nothing is going right.  Read more

Living In Gratitude: Keeping Gratitude Higher Than Expectations

The days that I keep my gratitude higher than my expectation, those are really good days. ~Ray Wylie Hubbard


We’ve all had days that don’t live up to our expectations. Those days tend to be disappointing, don’t they? Yet, if we shift our focus toward gratitude instead of what we expect, we are never let down.

Expectations are created from our belief that something will happen. We will get that job promotion, our offer on the dream house will be accepted, our children will become doctors or lawyers…. These things may or may not happen and are frequently out of our control, especially when we have expectations of others. Read more

Living In Gratitude: Work Is Either Fun Or Drudgery

Work can either be fun or drudgery.


It depends upon our attitude. So, which to choose? Personally, I like fun!

Attitude is like a muscle. The more you work it, the stronger it becomes, and the easier it becomes to shift it.

Here are 5 things I do to shift my attitude toward gratitude when I’m in a bad mood or not feeling like life is drudgery:

  1. Self-talk: I ask myself, “Hey, do you want to have fun or do you want to feel lousy today? Let go, dive in and have fun!” Read more