
6 Thanksgiving Traditions To Be Remembered

Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. ~ Henry Van Dyke

Traditions are meant to be simple yet meaningful as well as enjoyed and remembered for years to come.

Thanksgiving traditions usually include turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie and families huddled around the television watching football. The holiday lends itself by it’s very nature to sharing our gratitude.

Below are a few traditions that will help promote the expression of appreciation and thankfulness. Read more

6 Tips To Composing Heartfelt Thank You Notes

People like being appreciated. Every gift deserves a thank-you, whether it is a material object, a referral, or to express your appreciation for someone’s friendship, acceptance or support.

Although occasionally a thank you email will do, a handwritten note expresses a completely different level of appreciation. It takes added effort and planning (but not much) to actually pen and mail a thank you card, letter or postcard. Even if your handwriting is poor, still hand-write your notes. Do not type them or use a word processor.

Writing thank-you notes is easier than you remember them being as a kid (when your mom had you write thank you cards for every birthday gift received).  Read more

Less & More, More & Less

Fear less, hope more,

eat less, chew more,

whine less, breathe more,

talk less, say more,

hate less, love more,

and good things will be yours.
~ Swedish Proverb

Hope More:

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all.  ~ Emily Dickinson

Know that even in your darkest hour, there is always hope. Keep hoping even when everything seems hopeless. Keep positive dreams before you. Think good thoughts. Notice and appreciate the miracles and beauty that surrounds you. Watch the sunrise and the sunset. Smile.  Read more

Expressing Meaningful Gratitude

Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.  ~ G.B. Stern

Letting people know you are grateful to them goes a long way.

Studies show that when people feel appreciated and valued, they are more inclined to reach their goals, strive toward bigger achievements, are happier, healthier, and have stronger relationships with significant others, children, friends, family and coworkers.

How we communicate our appreciation is important. Quite often, we offer generic thanks with statements such as, “Great job!”, “I’m so proud of you”, “Well done”, and “I love you”.

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Risk Allows Us To Blossom

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~ Mark Twain

To fully experience life, we must take risks. Risk means getting out of our comfort zone and that is different for every person. It means taking a chance to explore, dream, discover and yes, even fail.

As influential author and thinker, Peter Drucker said, “People who don’t take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.” Read more

20 Things That Will Strengthen Your Relationships

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.  Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.  ~ Jane Howard

Eleven years ago today, thousands of people lost loved ones, members of their ‘family’, in one of the most tragic events in United States history.

Family doesn’t have to mean blood related or related by marriage. Family are also those people who lift you up and encourage you, make you smile, know when to offer a bear hug or a silly joke, the ones who accept you for who you are and loves you for you.

All of these relationships, especially the ones that encourage growth, acceptance and appreciation, need nurturing. Below are 20 bits of advice to ensure those relationships continue to bloom and flourish as well as to seed new, healthy connections. Read more

Happiness Means Giving Up These 15 Things

Letting go of the things that cause us stress, worry, pain and suffering allows us to embrace change, experience gratitude, and open our hearts to happiness.

Make your life easier and happier by giving up these 15 things:

1. Blaming

Take responsibility for your life instead of blaming others for what you have or don’t have, what you feel or don’t feel. Read more

Celebrating The Newly Redesigned Gratitude Habitat Website & Shop

We are excited to unveil the newly redesigned Gratitude Habitat website and Gift Shop.

The remodeled website is filled with motivational quotes, ideas and activities that coincide with stunningly beautiful photos. All are designed to inspire an ‘attitude of gratitude’. Read more

Coming Soon: 30 Day Art of Appreciation Online Workshop

We are in the throes of creating an exciting and enlightening Art of Appreciation online workshop and the two little dudes to the right are our partners in gratitude.

Robert Emmons, Ph.D. at UC Davis, has scientifically proven that when people are grateful on a regular basis, they experience a variety of measurable physical, psychological and interpersonal benefits. Read more