Entries by Carol Adamski

Living In Gratitude: Most of all, be thankful

Take time to reflect, write in your journal or post on Facebook.   In what ways were you kind, thoughtful, genuine and thankful today? Allowing the person with one item to go ahead of me in line. Leaving secret, sweet notes for my spouse/partner/kids. Letting my coworkers know how much I appreciate their talent. There […]

Gratitude Helps Children Grow

…if you live feeling like Your glass is half empty, well, It may as well be empty all the way. ~Mattie J.T. Stepanek, Journey Through Heartsongs The word “appreciation” means really seeing something for what it is – having an awareness of how special, how lucky, how unique, how blessed, how big, wonderful or awesome […]

The Most Memorable Give You’ll Ever Give

Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it ~Ralph Marston Have you ever wanted to give a […]

Optimism VS Pessimism…Or Somewhere In Between

Never go to excess, but let moderation be your guide. ~Marcus Tullius Cicero There is something to be said for moderation.  When it comes to the debate of optimism VS pessimism, many of us fall on one side of the fence or the other. Sometimes, we may even bounce back and forth, depending upon the situation. 

Forgive & Let Go

At one time or another, and probably more than once, we’ve all felt we were owed an apology that never came. And when that happens, it is all too easy to hold tight to the pain, letting resentment and anger build.  Our relationship with the person who failed to ask for forgiveness begins to deteriorate. […]

Everyday Heros

There is a very special breed of person that holds our nation together: Everyday Heroes. Each and every day, firefighters, teachers, medical professionals, professors, and police officers risk their lives and give so much back to our community. And there are many other unsung everyday heroes who make the world a better place using generosity, kindness, peace, […]

Some Days, It’s Not Easy To Be Grateful

To say we feel grateful is not to say that everything in our lives is necessarily great. It just means we are aware of our blessings. ~Dr. Robert Emmons There are times when feeling grateful is really tough. Many things can have us looking on the downside rather than counting our blessings. A loved one […]

Make The Best Of Things

Throughout our lives, we are presented with opportunities. How we view these situations and what we do with them is our choice. At times, we may feel an opportunity is more of an obstacle. In the story below, famous violinist Itzhak Perlman reaches into himself to create beautiful music with what is available to him at […]

Gratitude: Coming Home To Happiness

It’s easy to grow accustomed to the many things and people that support us in daily living. Sometimes I find myself complaining about what is lacking and forget to see and appreciate all the goodness in my life. Recently, the cables were down in my neighborhood for a whole day. I had no access to […]